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Los proyectos de aula, son actividades realizadas desde los cursos, que van encaminadas a mejorar las condiciones de entendimiento por parte de los estudiantes, permitiendo ejercicios analíticos y aplicados.

OIKOS: Fotografía Ecológica


Proyecto OIKOS: Fotografía ecológica



Docente: Maria Isabel Aristizabal Guerra



Este proyecto realizado por los estudiantes de ecología, tiene como finalidad, mostrar diferentes escenarios naturales y sus interacciones, mediante la  fotografía.

Motor Stearling


The stirling engine: terminodynamic processes and applications in Environmental Engineering



Kimberly Xiomara Góez Sauceda

Ana Belén Gonzalez Lozano


Teacher: Gina Hincapié Mejía




An ideal Stirling engine consists of four thermodynamic processes and fulfills a cycle which is similar to the Carnot cycle, since it seeks to obtain maximum performance.

This is an external combustion engine, therefore it performs a cleaner combustion than internal combustion engines. In Environmental Engineering the Stirling motor is used for pumping water and for the production of electricity through external heat sources, these can be solar energy, residual heat from industrial processes, etc.

Botes de vapor


Project title: Steam boat


Students:: Kenverly Quintana, Katherine Estrada. Elizabeth Uribe


Teacher: Gina Hincapié Mejía




In the 19th century, one of the great advances for navigation was obtained, the first ship powered by steam machinery, putting an end to sails, and above all, ending dependence on weather conditions. The steam equipment for ships was refined and other types of boilers, such as tubular boilers, were gradually introduced, similar to those used by locomotives; later, the reverse steam engines and, later, the triple expansion ones, with which the cost of coal was considerably reduced; For example, the 3,250-ton Uruguay ship burned 32 tons of coal a day, and the Córdoba, of similar dimensions, thanks to the use of the triple expansion machine, reduced its coal expenditure to 25 tons a day. Advances in steam engines also enabled higher travel speeds to be achieved. The German ocean liners of the Kaiser Wilhelm II series, built at the beginning of the century and which had two steam engines, each one moving a propeller, developed a speed of 23 knots. At the present time all the navigation systems are still being used, more or less perfected: rowing, sailing, paddle wheels, etc.; however, the steamship started the development of propulsion systems and allowed transatlantic navigation. Research continues in naval engineering and architecture to design and build new navigation systems, having reached the most spectacular point in this process, which is the application of nuclear energy as a driving force in the American submarine Nautilus, which in July of the year 1958 he managed to pass under the icy waters of the North Pole. Humanity continues to work for the peaceful conquest of the ocean.

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